1) Visit the AP class section of the website to print PowerPoint notes for Unit 1
2) Print the Polyatomic Ion / Solubility Rules list... Make sure you know all the Polyatomic Ions and Rules by FRIDAY!
3) We will use a bound Composition Notebook for some labs... I have one for you to use... you do NOT need to go out and buy one!
4) Sign up for the "Remind" service AS SOON AS YOU READ THIS (directions for joining the AP class list is located in the AP section of the website)
5) Consider buying the TI-30X IIS calculator which you will be REQUIRED to use for assessments this year (see link on main page of site)
6) You are strongly urged to purchase a review guide... I recommend "Cracking the AP Chemistry Exam (2020 Edition)"... Use the links on the home page
7) Course syllabus has been posted in the AP section.. review this on your own so you know what to expect!!
8) Section Three #1-6 ONLY of the Summer Practice is due on THURSDAY and will be graded for accuracy!
9) Visit the My AP site from the College Board HERE and enter the access code: DGD66J to join our class... you may need to create an account first (*This is REQUIRED by the College Board this year!)
10) Get ready to work hard AND commit yourself to preparing for and taking the AP Chem Exam!